
Hurry! Build An Online Business And Unlock More Freedom And Stability In Your Life For The Best Price Ever

(For A Short While Longer!)

Important Note : Course Access Period is of 24 months + 24 Months (4 Years) with fast Action Bonus #1 when enrolled now & Course Fee has Reduced to a discounted rate of  $297.00 + Taxes for Next 24 Hours. Prices will be Back to Default Price $1,997+ taxes at the End of Early Bird Sale within 24 hours. (EARLY BIRD SALE IS LIVE NOW). 

The Super Affiliate Academy Masterclass 3.0 is a training course designed to help you create a successful affiliate marketing business that generates a sizeable monthly side-income, or part-time income. Our goal for the program is to help you consistently make $2,500.00 a week/$10,000.00 a month (or more!)

Here’s The 4-Step Process That Makes This Work

#1 Find A Problem People Have

We found that people have Problems in multiple aspects of their life like Health, wealth, relationship and more… Billions of people want to loose weight, Look fit and fine and stay healthy, People want to earn more money, Save their relationships.
These are the major problem to focus on. By helping these people solve their problems, you can earn a substantial side-income.

#2 Find A Product That Solves It

There are tons of experts out there already that are helping tens of thousands of people solve their health, wealth, relationship related problems right now – all you need to do is find them!
You can share their product with the people that need it and earn a commission.

(You don’t need to create your own product yourself –they’ve done 99% of the work for you!)

#3 Tell People About It Who Need It

Facebook has 2.60 BILLION monthly users, making up a ⅓ of the entire world’s population. It’s the perfect place to tell people with these Health, Wealth, Relationship Related problems and about the solution (the product).
You can do this through easy targeting with ads. Using simple, intelligent ads, you can share the product you found with the people that need it . When people buy that product, you earn a commission.

You can also do this using Free Traffic Blueprint Masterclass where Your Net Effective Investment on Ads will be $0 and Still you can Reach Billions with 4 different Traffic Monsters and earn Big Commissions.

#4 Make Sales & Profit

Once your ads are on and sales are flowing in, you pretty much get paid weekly. You can turn up your ad spend, show it to MORE people, and keep it going to make more money and scale your business. There’s hardly any maintenance involved, and once you know exactly who to target it just gets easier.

A Fraction Of Those Earnings? 💵

 Pay off your mortgage faster
Help with the kid’s college fees
Go on a vacation or two
 Take up a new hobby
Buy a new car
 Make the house renovations
 Treat your partner/kids/friends
Have a bigger retirement pot


Don’t need a lot of experience
Don’t need technical skills
Don’t need a special background/high IQ
Don’t need to travel or leave your home
Don’t need an existing business
Don’t need a lot of money
Don’t need to work hours a day
Don’t need to have clients/audience
Don’t need to talk to anyone
Don’t need to sell your family / friends
Don’t need your own physical/digital product
Don’t need special connections or permission
Don’t need to quit your existing job
Don’t have to spend years doing this to see results

Super Affiliate Academy Masterclass 3.0 is a training course by Kirti gaurav Mishra that will show you exactly how to copy the simple 4-step process... so you can start to live the life you dream of and deserve.

This system is not available anywhere else, but right here on this page.

Kirti is going to share the exact ads, products, and system they use in their own businesses, so you can duplicate this system for yourself.

Unlimited Access to Super Affiliate Academy Masterclass 3.0 

Unlimited Access to Super Affiliate Academy Masterclass 3.0 (& All Updates)

Value: $4,997.00

He’ll show you, A-Z, how to setup and automate every part of this system from the best products, to the best ads, and how to scale quickly to $10,000.00/month. All the information is current, updated, and working right now. 


This isn’t just theory. All the accounts you need are included, free, and ready to go.

SPECIAL BONUS 1: The $10,000 Challange

The $10,000 Challange 

Value: $1,997.00

The premise of this is simple, if you succeed with our system and generate $10K in sales we will give you your entire course investment back.

We are PAYING you to succeed! 

$10,000.00 would change your life. You could pay off a chunk of your mortgage, clear any debts you have, buy a car, go on an awesome vacation, or simply loosen your belt a bit and take the weight off your shoulders. 

Special Bonus 2: Free Traffic Blueprint Masterclass

Free Traffic Blueprint Masterclass

Value: $1,997.00

Done For You Free Traffic Blueprint Masterclass with 4 different Traffic Monsters . Now You Can Start This Business With ZERO EFFECTIVE Investment. Strategies To earn Over $100k an year With FREE Traffic has been shared inside the masterclass.


 FREE Traffic Masterclass will train you to start making sales as soon as you join for Net Effective Investment of $0.

SPECIAL BONUS 3: Done-For-You High Converting Niches

Accelerate The Process With Highest Converting Niches

Value: $997.00

If you’ve ever struggled with niche selection in the past, then we have completely eliminated this obstacle for you.

It is as simple as choosing your favorite niche, plugging it in and you’re in business almost instantly.

These ‘Done For You’ Niches give you a dramatic advantage, because these Niches have been proven to convert and will allow you to accelerate through the process rapidly
even if you have zero experience…

SPECIAL BONUS 4: Done-For-You Best Products

The Best Money-Making Products Right Now 

Value: $2,997.00

To give you the best possible start, We’ll hand you the best, most profitable products out there – including some of the ones I’m currently promoting myself – so you don’t waste any time searching and experimenting.

You Get Products with Upto 100% Commissions 😲

Most of these are private and not available to the public.


You will be able to have them up and running in under 5-minutes, without any wasted money or time testing. 

SPECIAL BONUS 5: Done-For-You AD Swipe File

Copy, Paste, & Earn

Value: $3,997.00

Now that you’ve got the products, it’s time to craft the ads! Kirti has even got that covered. he’s going to give you the exact ad text, images, and everything to copy and paste into your own campaigns.

We’ve got you covered with 50+ Highest Converting Ad Creatives and Copies worth  $ 3,997 (International Market Price)

These campaigns have made us and our students BIG Numbers.


… And are proven to get the most clicks, most attention, and most sales for you.

SPECIAL BONUS 6: Done-For-You Ad Targeting

Step-By-Step Intelligent Ad Targeting For Beginners!

Value: $1,497.00

Get the exact, step-by-step, click-by-click, Done for you intelligent Ad targeting that can help you grow this business to $10,000.00/month and beyond, easily. These unique formulas are backed by a huge 95% success rate…

… And have proven that anyone can easily scale from making $100/day to up to $20,000.00/month! 

SPECIAL BONUS 7: Done-For-You High GOLD Bonus

SPECIAL BONUS 7: Done-For-You GOLD Bonus

Value: $997.00

Gold Bonus Will Bump UP Your Commissions upto 90 % to 100 % for Products and You will be revealed Super Secret Questionnaire.



Value: $3,997.00

This Super Secret PLATINUM Bonus has never been revealed ever before. It is Limited to only Selected Group of People for a Limited Period !

We refer you to a Secret platform where you get over 200k+ Articles , 6k+ Ebooks , 1k + Video courses , 1k+ Softwares in 400+ Niches that you can sell or give away to your audience is waiting for you on the other side !

Even if Person “A” sells Done for them courses, Ebooks, Softwares in his/her respective Niche at super cheap price of $9.99 to say 5000 People

-> Person “A” will earn around $50000😲

Complete Strategy  to earn over $10k+ a month using this method has been shared on the other side.

Because of High  Demand and Secret Platform, PLATINUM Bonus Can be taken away anytime without any prior Notice !

SPECIAL BONUS 9: Done-For-You 6 Months Direct Email Support and Coaching !

SPECIAL BONUS 9: Done-For-You 6 Months Direct Email Support and Coaching !

Value: $1,997.00

No one else in the industry is willing to do this…. But, I PROMISED to be by your side every step of the way until you succeed…
So, You’ll get direct access to me through my direct Priority Email Address for any issues or expert advice at no additional cost for the rest of your journey.

SPECIAL BONUS 10: Exclusive Invite To Private Discord Server

SPECIAL BONUS 10: Exclusive Invite To Private Discord Server

Value: $1,997.00

Have you ever heard the phrase “You are the average of the 5 people you spend time with”? Well, as of today, you’ll be hanging out with hundreds of hungry, driven, ambitious people who are on the same journey as you. You’ll be surrounded by great energy, inspiring success stories, selfless support, and real-world advice you can’t find anywhere else.

SPECIAL BONUS 11: Exclusive Invite To My VIP Mastermind Group

SPECIAL BONUS 11: Exclusive Invite To My VIP Mastermind Group

Value: $2,497.00

Sometimes, you need that extra bit of top-level support to get you over the line – and Kirti know that!

That’s why on top of the step by step training, the products, the ads, the targeting and the VIP support …

… You’ll ALSO get Lifetime free access to the private mentorship group!!


It’s a chance to scale faster and see success sooner – take it! 

FAST ACTION BONUS 01: Buy 2 Years access and get another 2 Years access for free

Buy 2 Years Access and get another 2 YearsAccess for FREE

Value: $1,997.00

Buy 2 Years Access and Get Another 2 years of Access of the Super Affiliate Academy Masterclass 3.0, all Special Bonuses and all the Updates completely for FREE.

This Special bonus is limited to just the next 15 people who take action and sign-up today.

FAST ACTION BONUS 02 : Free Ad Credits

$1000 in Completely Free Ad Credits

Value: $1,000.00

We will give you Ad Network Credits that will help you pay for your first few ads. This means that you don’t need to go into the program with ANY budget whatsoever, AND you’re as good as guaranteed to get off to a flying start!

It is a lot of money for us to put on the line…

… and that’s why this very special bonus is limited to just the next 15 people who take action and sign-up today.

✅ Unlimited Access to Super Affiliate Academy Masterclass 3.0- Worth $4,997.00
✅ 24/7/365 VIP Support Concierge Service Worth $2,997
✅ Zero-Risk: Fort-Knox 30 Day Success Guarantee PRICELESS
✅ SPECIAL BONUS #1: When You Succeed, Your Entry is FREE, The $10,000.00 Challenge Worth $1,997.00
✅ SPECIAL BONUS #2: FREE Traffic Blueprint Masterclass: Costs $0 to Get Started Worth $1,997
✅ SPECIAL BONUS #3: Done-For-You Highest Converting Niches Worth $997
✅ SPECIAL BONUS #4: Done-For-You Best Products: Commissions upto 100% Worth $2,997
✅ SPECIAL BONUS #5: Million Dollar Swipe File: Copy & Paste Ads! - Worth $3,997
✅ SPECIAL BONUS #6: Step-By-Step Intelligent Ad Targeting Worth $1,497
✅ SPECIAL BONUS #7: Done-For-You GOLD Bonus Worth $997
✅ SPECIAL BONUS #8: Done-For-You PLATINUM Bonus Worth $3,997
✅ SPECIAL BONUS #9: Done-For-You 6 Months Direct E-mail Support and Coaching Worth $1,997
✅ SPECIAL BONUS #10: Exclusive Invite to Private Discord Server Worth $1,997
✅ SPECIAL BONUS #11: Exclusive Invite to My VIP Mastermind Group Worth $2,497
✅ FAST ACTION BONUS #1: Buy 2 Years Access and Get another 2 Years of Access for FREE worth $1,997
✅ FAST ACTION BONUS #2: $1000 in Completely FREE ad Credits Worth $1,000

Students Getting Started !

Students crossing 300$/Day on 1st Day of AD Launch i.e. $9000/Month!

For A Short Time, You Can Get
EVERYTHING At The Lowest Price
It's Ever Been Offered
On This Page And This Page Only! 

You Can Invest In Super Affiliate Academy Masterclass 3.0 For Just…

That works out as just $0.20/day to get an entire system and support network that puts everything in your favor to transform your life.

$0.20/day is less than a coffee at Starbucks. ☕☕

So, are you ready to sacrifice a coffee for a life-changing system just like other Successful Super Affiliates?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who Should/Can Get Into This Business?

Anyone can do this type of business. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit of have an interest for the new emerging world of online marketing, this business is ideal for you. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to build this business.

Can I Do This And Get Paid If I Live in __________?

Yes! You can do this, AND GET PAID, no matter what country you live in around the world. You only need a bank account, or an address that a check can be sent to.

What is the Duration of the course?

This is a 6 week Masterclass. You will Get UNLIMITED Access to the course and Special Bonuses for 2 Years + 2 additional Bonus Years as mentioned in Fast Action Bonus #1, if you take Action Now ! Total Access Period is 48 Months (4 Years) if you Enroll Now !

Note: Fast Action Bonus #1 that provides Extra 24 Months Access Can be removed anytime without Prior Notice and this very special bonus is limited to just the next 15 people who take action and sign-up today.

How Long is Gold and Platinum Bonuses Available?

Gold and Platinum Bonuses are limited to next 15 people who take action and sign-up today. We can’t promise these bonuses will be around even for next 48 hours. So, If you don’t want to miss out these Super Bonuses, Take Action Now !

How Much Extra Capital Is Needed?

You will need $2.59/month for your website, and just $5/day to spend on your ads. HOWEVER, Special Bonus #2 gives you FREE Traffic Training Masterclass with 4 different Traffic Monsters that you can use to start making sales as soon as you join for $0. You’ll also get $1,000.00 in free ad money to get started!

How Many Hours Should I Put Into this Business Daily?

We ask you to spend 4 hours a week on your new business. Although, it goes without saying, the more time you spend on this the more rewards you will get out of it. If you expect 100% of results, you must be willing to commit yourself 100% to this business. Therefore, treat this as if it were a “Million Dollar Business” (because it truly is) and you will reap the benefits of your hard earned work. We recommend allocating a few hours a day to truly see the best results.

What If I Have Questions or Problems?

Please utilize the resource we have equipped you with, the Super Affiliate Academy Community Forum.All students have access to this group where you can ask questions and we can all participate to help out on another. You also get access to 6 months direct email support and coaching. And Still If you have urgent or very specific questions you can email us at info@mysuperaffiliateacaemy.com

A Refund When You Succeed Or A Refund If You Don’t

100% Money-Back Guarantee

We GUARANTEE that you’ll have success within 30 Days of joining. And if you don’t get the results ? We’ll work with you until you do. And if that doesn’t work out? We’ll give you back your FULL Investment no questions asked.

In fact, with Special bonus #1 – after you make your first $10,000 with our system – we’ll give you your entire fee back anyway! There’s literally nothing to lose.

If you work through this program, you WILL learn how to create your very own internet business.

Super Affiliate Academy Masterclass 3.0 is a step-by-step training system that does not require any selling, expensive software, and can be done without any prior experience.